
In response to this poll and its own research undertaken with Deloitte, the Institute of Coding (IoC), a consortium of universities and employers whose mission is to develop the next generation of digital talent, has launched a new campaign CTRL Your Future. The campaign aims to shift the dial on diversity and inclusion in digital across the UK.

Events, inspiring panel workshops and short films will be rolled out over the next several months, promoting the diverse face of the industry, showing the creative opportunities that exist through emerging tech and calling for more young people to get involved.

CTRL Your Future will first partner with DIGI-GXL. Led by Cat Taylor, DIGI-GXL is an inclusive community supporting women, trans and non-binary people looking to reshape the world of 3D design and animation – seen through recent collaborations with Selfridges and Nike x Trippin.

Other partners will include London Gaymers, the UK’s biggest LGBTQ+ gamer community providing a safe and inclusive space for gamers and the STEMettes, the social enterprise inspiring young women to pursue a career in STEM, founded by Anne-Marie Imafidon.

Find out more about CTRL Your Future campaign and the background to the campaign launch.

A nationwide poll of 1,000 16 – 18 year olds, more than half of respondents (56%) said the digital sector needs to be more diverse and inclusive