Claire moved from professional services to part of lecturing staff recently. Could you tell me about your academic position and the history behind it? I am not a computer scientist or electronic engineer, but I am now a lecturer and
Beijing Ballet performance
During a recent teaching trip to Beijing in October, Dr Yan Sun, Dr Jonathan Loo, and Dr Michaela MacDonald had the privilege of attending a groundbreaking contemporary ballet performance by Intradance, a pioneering dance company from the Netherlands. What made
Teaching neurodivergent students
This is an interview with Giorgia Pigato from QM Academy. Could you say a little bit about yourself and your job? I have been at QMUL for over two years working in QM Academy as an education advisor and work
Mental health and your PhD
This is an anonymous interview with a PhD student about mental health it talks frankly about depression and ADHD while studying. Would you be comfortable sharing some background on mental health issues? I was diagnosed with depression in my third
Active learning and inclusivity
This is an interview with Steph Fuller from Queen Mary Academy. Tell me a little bit about yourself? I work in the Queen Mary Academy which delivers university-wide support for the development of education and research. We work with staff
The EECS female academic network
Dr Ekaterina Ivanova is setting up an network for female academics within EECS. We conducted a short interview to find out more. Tell me a little about yourself I am a new member of staff having started in January 2023
The importance of Mental Health during a PhD
An interview with Sara Cardinale, a 3rd year PhD student at EECS QMUL on her PhD journey and mental health. Interview conducted by Elona Shatri Let’s begin by asking you about your initial expectations when you started your PhD journey.
Navigating Academia with a Newborn: An Intimate Conversation
In this interview conducted by Elona Shatri, Inês De Almeida Nolasco, a PhD student at QMUL, provides an account of her journey starting academic pursuits while expecting. She elaborates on the challenges of navigating both her research and new motherhood
Interview: Professor Yue Chen (Director of Scholarship)
Professor Yue Chen has moved into a new role as Director of Scholarship. This interview explores what the role means and why she feels passionate about it. What is the Director of Scholarship role? The main duty of the role
Book Review: Women in IT: Inspiring the Next Generation (2014), BCS Publishing
This review was written by our own Michaela Macdonald I picked this book up at a BCS’s authors event last year with a certain amount of curiosity. This is a 2014 title and wondered, how much has changed within the