XXFactor: Best way to get good student evaluations? Be male

Source: www.slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/2014/12/09/gender_bias_in_student_evaluations_professors_of_online_courses_who_present.html Quotes: “Students gave professors they thought were male much higher evaluations across the board than they did professors they thought were female, regardless of what gender the professors actually were. When they told students they were men, both the

Implicit Bias Training, Gender Bias in Neuroscience & Recruitment

Confronting Implicit Gender Bias in Neuroscience The Society for Neuroscience website provides information on Implicit Bias, gender bias in the field and webinars on bias, recruitment and retention. Found: 28/11/2014. Source: www.sfn.org/Careers-and-Training/Women-in-Neuroscience/Department-Chair-Training-to-Increase-Diversity/Confronting-Implicit-Gender-Bias-in-Neuroscience