Tweet from Professor Stan Scott of Queens University Belfast’sSchool of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science speaks on “Athena SWAN: Challenges and opportunities” at the Council for Professors and Heads of Computing Conference at Queen Mary University of London. Pointing
WISE@QMUL: Prof. Gina Rippon on Neurotrash, Neurosexism, and Neuronews
Prof. Gina Rippon (Aston University) will deliver a lecture entitled “Neurotrash, Neurosexism, Neuronews – their role in understanding gender differences” to take place 5pm-6pm on Wednesday, 25 February 2015, in the Fogg Lecture Theatre, free and open to all (RSVP:
Michelle Ryan: Women Singled Out for Inferior Positions?
Reasons for the glass cliff as given by women vs. men (Ryan, Haslam & Postmes 2007). Today’s talk by Professor Michelle Ryan of the University of Exeter at the Fogg Lecture Theatre on the glass cliff led to the following