Prof. Gina  Rippon (Aston University) will deliver a lecture entitled “Neurotrash, Neurosexism, Neuronews – their role in understanding gender differences” to take place 5pm-6pm on Wednesday, 25 February 2015, in the Fogg Lecture Theatre, free and open to all (RSVP:
What is the difference between male and female brains?
Do we contribute to “neurotrash” by asking the wrong questions in the wrong way?
There is a long history of debate about biological sex differences and their part in determining gender roles, with the “biology is destiny” argument being used to legitimize imbalances in these roles. This tradition is continuing, with new brain imaging techniques being hailed as sources of evidence of the “essential” differences between men and women.
But there is good research—neuronews—where brain imaging can make positive contributions to the saga by informing the real story. Are there really any differences in male and female brains, how fixed are these differences, can we “better” or “change” our brains?

This talk aims to offer ways of rooting out the neurotrash, stamping out the neurosexism and making way for neuronews.
WISE@QMUL: Prof. Gina Rippon on Neurotrash, Neurosexism, and Neuronews

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