Dr Mona Jaber
Lecturer in EECS Dr Mona Jaber was appointed to the IEEE Women in Engineering in UK and Ireland committee. She is one of ten committee members joining at the tail end of 2021. We asked her to describe the organisation and her role in it for our blog.
Who are we: IEEE Women in Engineering in the UK and Ireland (https://www.ieee-ukandireland.org/affinity-groups/women-in-engineering/).
What we do: IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) is the largest international professional organisation dedicated to promoting women engineers and scientists. WIE UK & Ireland adopts the mission and principles of IEEE WIE which are centred on the promotion of women engineers and scientists through various efforts:
- Industrial and research seminars
- Career orientated panel events to inspire the next generation.
- Pop up networking events allowing young scientists to interact with science and engineering of the future.
- Networking events at conferences.
What is my role: I have been a member of IEEE WIE and IEEE Women in Communication Engineering (WICE) for ten years and have recently volunteered to take an active role in the IEEE WIE UK & Ireland committee. I will lead the students’ activities in the UK and Ireland universities; for example we recently organised a meeting at Strathclyde University on Ethical Engineering: The Climate Crisis. In addition, I will support IEEE WIE UK & Ireland Industry relations team by (a) supporting early career researchers and students wanting to engage with industry (b) supporting industry partners who want to improve their diversity and inclusion performance (c) engaging industry partners in talks, events, mentorship, and sponsorship.
IEEE WIE UK & Ireland in the social media:
- FB page: https://www.facebook.com/IEEE-Women-in-Engineering-UK-and-Ireland-388792468134835
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13717266/