Queen Mary is launching a new Parents and Carers Network to give staff the opportunity to meet other parents and carers, to share experiences, offer and receive support and access a wide range of guidance and resources. 

The Network is open to any staff members in the following categories:

  • Expectant parents;
  • Those with parenting responsibilities, be it as birth parents, through adoption, surrogacy, fostering or as step parents;
  • Those caring for a dependent whether they are ill, elderly or disabled family members, friends or partners

Anyone who falls into one or more of the above groups are welcome to join.

The Network has been set up by the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team and is looking for members to join. Members will have the opportunity to feed into support for other parents and carers. We provide a forum to discuss issues affecting parents and carers and advice, information and support.  The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team will be on hand to help, and to take forward issues raised by the network. Find out more on our dedicated Parents and Carers Network page here.

You can join the network through Microsoft TEAMS here. For more information and guidance on Microsoft TEAMS see Queen Mary’s MS TEAMS Guide

QMUL parents and carers network
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