Exciting news from Ireland and the engagement of national HE with the Athena SWAN process!

Source: https://www.advance-he.ac.uk/news-and-views/advance-he-responds-to-the-gender-equality-taskforce-action-plan


“A new Action Plan by the Gender Equality Taskforce, on behalf of the Republic of Ireland’s Department of Education and Skills (DES), recommends more widespread and deeper engagement by higher education institutions (HEIs) with the Athena SWAN Charter, an initiative run by Advance HE to promote gender equality.

The Action Plan notes that engagement with the Athena SWAN process has been “transformative for higher education institutions”.

To date, nine institutions in Ireland hold an Athena SWAN ‘bronze’ award, and twelve departmental awards have been conferred.  A bronze award indicates that the institution or department has completed a thorough self-assessment and has an action plan in place to address gender equality issues.  Several Institutes of Technology (IoT), colleges and departments are in the process of preparing applications.”

Advance HE (Ireland): Advance HE responds to the Gender Equality Taskforce Action Plan