The WISE Campaign is calling for nominations for the 2015 WISE Awards — see  More details at . Deadline is 17 August 2015.

Categories include ‘open technology’, ‘inspiring young people’ ‘hero’ ‘campaign’ ‘influence’ ‘tech startup’. The ‘research award’ category nomination form is here: . (criteria: cutting edge research, inspirational story, evidence of supporting other women, compelling role model for WISE campaign)

Each nomination needs 300 words max each under 1) biography 2) the research and its impact and why it is cutting edge 3) testimonial on impact of the research “from someone in a position to comment” 4) how the WISE award, if won, would be used to support the work and/or inspire more women and girls to want to work in science.

A nomination also requires: 5) referee 6) photo 7) the candidate must be available on 30 September for a full day in London .

QMUL had a ‘highly commended’ in 2013 in the ‘WISE Leader Award’ category: Nela Brown, PhD researcher in computer science, and Ursula Martin was shortlisted in the WISE Lifetime Achievement Award the same year.

WISE Campaign 2015 Awards Call for Nominations

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